
Patatas bravas

Today I made patatas bravas… fierce potatoes… and they were delicious. I was first drawn to patatas bravas about a year ago. I love potatoes, so really any form of them is good in my books, but the magnificent name of this dish just really elevates it into the realms of epic food I’d say. […]


Wheat berry pilaf

The other day, at a complete loss as to what to make for dinner, I discovered lovely, lovely wheat berry pilaf. It was one of those days when the weekly shop had dwindled to odd remnants. The fridge was empty, the cupboards a wasteland of half used bags of grains and beans. Normally under these […]


Carrot and ginger soup

Today it’s cold here in Shetland. Not -40 Celsius, frost bite kind of cold, but the drizzly half rain/half slush windy gray of January. In truth, the weather has probably been like this for the last few months, but during that time we’ve had festive excitement, Christmas lights, family gatherings and the cheer of the […]


Squash and rye gingerbread

Well, I’ve saved the best for last. This will be my last post before Christmas, and the piece de resistance of my Christmas recipes? Squash and rye gingerbread. Gingerbread is glorious and has traditionally been associated with Christmas in one form or another in many cultures, particularly in Europe and Scandinavia. Some historians think it […]


Spiced cocoa

Happy winter solstice! We’ve made it. This morning at 4:49 GMT the sun reached it’s most southerly declination. It’s the shortest day of the year and it’s only going to get lighter from here! I love the winter solstice. Having watched the nights drawing in, and the days getting shorter and shorter, all of a […]


Festive chestnut soup

Seven days until Christmas!! One week until we can sit around the tree with our loved ones, sip some mulled wine, light a cozy fire in the hearth, and spend the day enjoying the people that we love, all interspersed with delicious food! I like this part of the season. With seven days left, we’re […]


Sugar-free mincemeat

Well, I think it’s safe to say that the Christmas countdown has officially begun. The time for mincemeat making is upon us. Truth be told, this year I’ve kind of let the Christmas preparations slide a bit. Normally by this time I would have the Christmas pudding made and maturing, chocolate croissants made and frozen […]


Roasted Brussels sprouts and persimmon

When my little sister, Jane, was in Kindergarten the teacher got them to make model angels as a Christmas project. Jane’s became an instant sensation. The white clay angel, wings outstretched, hands clasped in front of its conical body, and sparkling with gold glitter, bore an expression on its little clay face nearly identical to […]