Carrot Mango Turmeric Lassi

Carrot mango turmeric lassi

For the last couple of weeks there has been a doozie of a cold doing the rounds in Shetland. It’s one of these epic seasonal bugs that starts off with the sniffles and rapidly turns into weeks of the gross, unshakable cold-induced misery. I think everyone here has had it and -after smuggly gloating to […]


Spiced cocoa

Happy winter solstice! We’ve made it. This morning at 4:49 GMT the sun reached it’s most southerly declination. It’s the shortest day of the year and it’s only going to get lighter from here! I love the winter solstice. Having watched the nights drawing in, and the days getting shorter and shorter, all of a […]


Turmeric milk

At the beginning of the year, midway through the cold and flu season, I came across an article talking about turmeric milk. I was instantly intrigued. I love turmeric, and have been eating it regularly since I was a teenager when my mother read about some of its benefits. From that day on all rice […]


Moroccan mint tea

A few years ago I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Morocco. It was while I was sailing, so I arrived by sea at the fascinating fortified port town of Essaoira on the Atlantic coast of North Africa. It is an absolutely magical place, filled with colour, wonderful smells, music and a […]


Strawberry cashew cream milkshake

A couple of weeks ago as the first undeniable portents of autumn began to settle upon us, our local grocery store had in a stock of magnificent late summer strawberries. These days with the use of modern agricultural practices and the relative ease of shipping, strawberries are available even in the dead of winter when […]


Creamy chocolate milkshake

Milkshake… really. Need I say anymore. In a blog devoted to finding joy, in a large part through food, I think that milkshakes are pretty much the essence of the whole thing. When I think back over the events of my life, the milkshake appears over and over again in some of my best memories. […]


Adventures in water kefir

A few weeks ago I saw an add on the local classifieds for someone giving away water kefir grains. Water kefir? What on earth is water kefir? I have wanted to try making milk kefir for a while, I have an ongoing love affair with yogurt, and the idea of a milky yogurt-like drink appeals […]