
How to make coconut yogurt

I think it would not be inaccurate to say that I am a full-on, unabashed yogurt fiend. I happily gobble up yogurt at least once a day. For me it is heaven. And luckily for me and all fellow yogurt fiends, it’s incredibly good for you too! Yogurt, or fermented milk of one type or […]


Wheat berry mushroom burgers

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with a brilliant local food producer, Jill, from Shetlandeli. I tried out a jar of their award winning Muckle Flugga Piccalilli (excellent name, Shetland’s Muckle Flugga is one of the most northerly points in Britain and home to its most northerly lighthouse)and it was delicious! Notice that I […]


Orange oat and rye cookies

A few days ago we were sitting inside on a cloudy, rainy, windy and generally miserable day. As the grey light lit the room with gloomy rain-streaked light, a glumness and boredom took hold of the household. I got lured, as I too easily do, into aimlessly roaming the internet while convincing myself that it […]


Pumpkin pie

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving. It’s a time for family, food, crunchy orange leaves and pumpkin patches, and of course, the most integral part of the Thanksgiving meal (for me anyway); pumpkin pie. I love pumpkins. I love everything about them, the taste of them, their seeds, their beautiful orange colour, their curly […]


Whole wheat spice and prune cake

A couple of days ago I had my first attempt at making a fruit butter. As it’s the start of October, and firmly into my favourite season, autumn, I decided to make a squash butter as my first attempt. It was lovely; warming, soft and a resplendent celebration autumnal spices. Delicious. The creation of the […]


Creamy tropical polenta

I wasn’t really sure what to make today. It’s a rainy, windy, autumnal day, and I don’t think there’s much chance of seeing the sun. I needed something warm, comforting, and infused with a bit of sunshine. Upon scouring the cupboards I decided that today was the day to make a bowl of warm, creamy […]


Oat bread

I’ve been baking for a few years now, but for the longest time my baking was all pretty conventional. I used a lot of white flour, sugar and butter and baked some very lovely things. It’s only pretty recently, when I decided to cut down a bit on the amount of processed stuff in my […]


How to make yam fries

Yam fries (also known as sweet potato but I have a bit of a semantic chip on my shoulder and insist on sticking with the word yam) are one of those elusive culinary curiosities that have stumped even the most die hard health conscious gourmand. Is it possible to create delicious crispy baked fries from […]


Moroccan mint tea

A few years ago I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Morocco. It was while I was sailing, so I arrived by sea at the fascinating fortified port town of Essaoira on the Atlantic coast of North Africa. It is an absolutely magical place, filled with colour, wonderful smells, music and a […]