
Avocado chocolate pudding

Today I’m feeling grumpy. There, I admitted it… I sat down to write a post for today and started it about a dozen times trying to tap into the spirit of joyful magnificence that I’m striving for, but each time it just came out really contrived and a little insipid. So instead I’m coming out […]


Rice pudding

Being from Canada, rice pudding is not something that I grew up with, or was even really familiar with as a child. In Canada we eat cake and doughnuts and pie and cinnamon buns and cookies. “Pudding” is something that you get in your packed lunch at school, it’s chocolate flavoured (don’t even mention the […]


Coconut macaroons

Shetland is lovely in many ways. It’s safe, has stunning scenery, awe inspiring weather, a rich and vibrant culture, amazing music, and a history so prevalent that it’s palpable. But one of the inescapably sad short comings of my Shetland life is the lack of my family. Shetland is a very long way from the […]


Apricot frangipane tart

This week I decided to set myself a bit of a challenge. So far my magnificent baking adventures have focused primarily on cake with the odd foray into cookies and pastry in the form of galette. I love making pastry, and have a few healthy variations that I use quite regularly, mostly in the form […]


Strawberry cashew cream milkshake

A couple of weeks ago as the first undeniable portents of autumn began to settle upon us, our local grocery store had in a stock of magnificent late summer strawberries. These days with the use of modern agricultural practices and the relative ease of shipping, strawberries are available even in the dead of winter when […]


Yam chocolate chip cookies

Do you remember that feeling when you were a kid at the end of the weekend when a week of school was looming? That slightly disquieting knowledge of an inevitability and inescapable fate that settles into the pit of your stomach. It always carried through until sometime mid-morning on the Monday when the normalcy of […]