
Coconut macaroons

Shetland is lovely in many ways. It’s safe, has stunning scenery, awe inspiring weather, a rich and vibrant culture, amazing music, and a history so prevalent that it’s palpable. But one of the inescapably sad short comings of my Shetland life is the lack of my family. Shetland is a very long way from the […]


How to make soda bread

As I may have mentioned once or twice…or so… I love to make bread. I think that it’s relaxing and rewarding and wholesome, and is a valuable skill if you’re trying to eat a healthy and minimally processed diet. Baking leavened bread, however takes forethought. If you’re using yeast your loaf will generally need to […]


Apricot frangipane tart

This week I decided to set myself a bit of a challenge. So far my magnificent baking adventures have focused primarily on cake with the odd foray into cookies and pastry in the form of galette. I love making pastry, and have a few healthy variations that I use quite regularly, mostly in the form […]


Cinnamon raisin spelt buns

This week I’ve been thinking about happiness. It’s a bit of a stressful time at the moment at casa del Leask. There’s a load of stuff going on in our lives, and it’s easy to spend all of my time worrying and over thinking every thing. This mind set is a habit of a lifetime, […]