A dark golden crusty round loaf of bread with chunks of dark chocolate running through the crust.

Chocolate Brazil nut sourdough

Today’s post is in celebration of Real Bread Week! As you may know from looking at past posts here, I am a huge, huge fan of bread. I love it. I love everything about it, and for me, making bread is a mindful calming thing that fills me with a ridiculous amount of joy, and […]

A rustic flour covered, oblong loaf.

Sourdough basics

Today’s post comes from a place of absolute delight. After fermenting away for the past six weeks in pride of place in our fridge, my glorious sourdough culture has, without any assistance from added yeast, leavened it’s first beautiful loaf! So today I figured I’d share my sourdough journey so far and talk about what […]


Cold-risen spelt bread

Today’s post is one that I’ve been particularly excited about as it involves Sourdough!! I absolutely love sourdough. I love the texture and the flavour of the bread, but equally I love the lore and traditions involved, and the care and…well…love, that sourdough bakers put into their bread. With care a sourdough starter can live […]